Saturday, February 8, 2025


Tackling marriage, raising two girls, two dogs and a cat, running a business and enjoying life together, Julia and James are the dastardly duo behind Two Heads are Smarter than One.

Hopefully their funny, familiar and fascinating family adventures will inspire you to examine your own life, make an impactful change, or just have a bit of a chuckle to yourself.



How to Know the Kids are Ready for a Dog

As I write this, our two dogs are peacefully snoozing under the kitchen table. They are by no means puppies any longer, but I can’t help but remember them as little wobbly balls of cuteness, arriving to make our lives infinitely more fun.  Our girls were 5 and...

Do (Wo)men do Enough Around the House?

When James and I first moved in together, I found him incredibly amusing.  He had these completely quirky (and clashing) habits. He’d scrub the sink every time he washed even a single mug. But he’d leave his socks next to the toilet every time he took a shower....

10 Truths About Being a Parent We Wish We’d Known 10 Years Ago

A couple of evenings ago, I found myself watching a YouTube video by a girl (no, not girl, woman!) I’ve been following on and off for the past decade. She and her boyfriend were announcing they were expecting their first child.  I found myself grinning from ear to...

What Working From Home (With Kids, Dogs And a Cat) is Really Like

(And how to get stuff done regardless)  When practically everyone we know started working from home in 2020, there was a brief moment in time where I felt like one of the lucky ones.  After all, I’d been doing it for nearly half my career, and I didn’t now...

How Running my Own Business Has Made me a Better Mom

Over the years, I have read many an article discussing how being a mom can make you a better entrepreneur and businesswoman.  In fact, when I first thought about writing this article, I googled its title, and there was only one first page result that actually talked about...